P.O.U.N.D stack (Postgres, Oqtane, Ubuntu & DotNet)

P.O.U.N.D stack (Postgres, Oqtane, Ubuntu & DotNet)

A stack in software development refers to a collection of technologies, tools, and frameworks that are used together to build and run a complete application or solution. A typical stack consists of components that handle different aspects of the software development process, including frontend, backend, databases, and sometimes even the hosting environment.

A stack is often categorized into different layers based on the functionality they provide:

  1. Frontend: This layer is responsible for the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of an application. It consists of client-side technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as libraries or frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  2. Backend: This layer handles the server-side logic, processing user requests, and managing interactions with databases and other services. Backend technologies can include programming languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP, and frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, or Spring.
  3. Database: This layer is responsible for storing and managing the application’s data. Databases can be relational (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server) or NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra, or Redis), depending on the application’s data structure and requirements.
  4. Hosting Environment: This layer refers to the infrastructure where the application is deployed and run. It can include on-premises servers, cloud-based platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or Microsoft Azure, or container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.

Developers often refer to specific combinations of these technologies as named stacks. Some examples include:

  1. LAMP: Linux (operating system), Apache (web server), MySQL (database), and PHP (backend programming language).
  2. MEAN: MongoDB (database), Express.js (backend framework), Angular (frontend framework), and Node.js (runtime environment).
  3. MERN: MongoDB (database), Express.js (backend framework), React (frontend library), and Node.js (runtime environment).

Selecting a stack depends on factors such as project requirements, team expertise, performance, and scalability needs. By using a well-defined stack, developers can streamline the development process, improve collaboration, and ensure that all components work together efficiently.

The P.O.U.N.D. Stack is an innovative software development stack that combines Postgres, Oqtane, Ubuntu, and DotNet to create powerful, modern, and scalable applications. This stack is designed to leverage the strengths of each technology, providing developers with an integrated and efficient environment for building web applications.

  1. Postgres (P): As the database layer, Postgres offers robust performance, scalability, and support for advanced data types, such as GIS and JSON. Its open-source nature and active community make it a reliable choice for handling the storage and management of application data.
  2. Oqtane (O): Serving as the frontend framework, Oqtane is built on top of the Blazor technology in .NET, allowing for the creation of modern, responsive, and feature-rich user interfaces. With Oqtane, developers can create modular and extensible applications, while also benefiting from built-in features such as authentication, authorization, and multi-tenancy.
  3. Ubuntu (U): As the operating system and hosting environment, Ubuntu provides a stable, secure, and easy-to-use platform for deploying and running applications. It is widely supported and offers excellent compatibility with a variety of hardware and cloud platforms, making it an ideal choice for hosting P.O.U.N.D. Stack applications.
  4. DotNet (D): The backend layer is powered by the .NET framework, which offers a versatile and high-performance environment for server-side development. With support for multiple programming languages (such as C#, F#, and VB.NET), powerful libraries, and a large ecosystem, .NET allows developers to build scalable and efficient backend logic for their applications.

In summary, the P.O.U.N.D. Stack brings together the power of Postgres, Oqtane, Ubuntu, and DotNet to deliver a comprehensive and efficient development stack. By leveraging the unique capabilities of each technology, developers can build modern, scalable, and high-performance web applications that cater to diverse business needs.

4 – Running Oqtane as a Ubuntu Linux service

4 – Running Oqtane as a Ubuntu Linux service

In this post we will learn how to publish Oqtane as a Linux service, but before we continue let’s do a recap of what we have learned so far

  1. How to compile Oqtane for an O.S other than Windows: HTTPs://www.jocheojeda.com/2023/03/20/1-compiling-oqtane-3-4-to-target-ubuntu-linux/
  2. The process of publish Oqtane installation files :https://www.jocheojeda.com/2023/03/20/2-publishing-oqtane-3-4-to-target-ubuntu-linux/
  3. How to change the binding URLs for kestrel, so we can run multiple instances of Oqtane :https://www.jocheojeda.com/2023/03/21/3-running-multiple-instances-of-oqtane-for-virtual-hosting-environments-in-apache-webserver/

At this moment, you might be asking yourself why should we run oqtane as a service? well this can be really long to answer but I’ll try to make it as short as possible.

The first thing that we need to understand is the difference between IIS (Internet Information Services for windows) and Apache or NGINX

In an IIS web service, the activation process refers to the series of steps that occur when a client request is received by the web server, and the corresponding web service code is executed to process the request and generate a response. The activation process in IIS typically involves the following steps:

  1. Client request: A client, such as a web browser or another application, sends an HTTP request to the IIS web server, targeting a specific web service endpoint (e.g., a URL).
  2. Routing: The IIS server routes the request to the appropriate web service application based on the requested URL and other configuration settings.
  3. Application pool: The request is handled by an application pool, which is a group of worker processes (w3wp.exe) that manage the execution of one or more web applications. Application pools provide isolation and resource management for web applications, helping to improve the overall performance and stability of the IIS server.
  4. Worker process: A worker process within the application pool receives the request and begins processing it. If there is no available worker process, the application pool may create a new one, or queue the request until a worker process is available.
  5. HTTP pipeline: The worker process processes the request through the IIS HTTP pipeline, which is a series of events and modules that handle various aspects of the request, such as authentication, caching, and logging.
  6. Handler mapping: Based on the request’s file extension or URL pattern, IIS maps the request to a specific handler, which is a component responsible for processing the request and generating a response. In the case of a web service, this handler is typically an ASP.NET handler or another custom handler.
  7. Service activation: The handler activates the web service, instantiating the required objects and executing the service’s code to process the client request. This may involve parsing input data, performing calculations, accessing databases, or interacting with other services.
  8. Response generation: The web service generates an appropriate response, such as an XML or JSON document, and returns it to the handler.
  9. HTTP pipeline (response): The response travels back through the HTTP pipeline, where additional processing, such as caching or compression, may occur.
  10. Client response: The IIS server sends the generated response back to the client, completing the activation process.

The activation process in IIS is designed to provide a robust and efficient way to handle client requests, offering features like application isolation, resource management, and extensibility through custom handlers and modules.

+-------------+       +-------------+       +-----------------+       +-------------+       +------------------+
|             |       |             |       |                 |       |             |       |                  |
|  Client     +------->    IIS      +-------> Application Pool +-------> Worker     +------->  Web Service     |
|(Web browser,|       |  Web Server |       |                 |       |  Process    |       |                  |
|  app, etc.) |       |             |       | (w3wp.exe)      |       |             |       |                  |
+------+------+       +-------+------+       +--------+--------+       +------+------+       +------+-----------+
       ^                      |                       |                         |                       |
       |                      |                       |                         |                       |
       |                      v                       v                         v                       v
       |               +-------+------+       +--------+--------+       +------+------+       +------+-----------+
       |               |             |       |                 |       |             |       |                  |
       +---------------+   HTTP      |       |  Handler        |       |  HTTP       |       |  Response        |
                       |  Pipeline   |       |  Mapping        |       |  Pipeline   |       | (XML, JSON, etc.)|
                       | (Request)   |       |                 |       |  (Response) |       |                  |
                       |             |       |                 |       |             |       |                  |
                       +-------------+       +-----------------+       +-------------+       +------------------+

Now, let’s discuss the Apache web server. Unlike IIS, Apache does not have an activation process specifically designed for .NET applications. This implies that the server is unable to initiate a new process to handle incoming requests or restart the process in the event of a crash.

According to Microsoft documentation, hosting an ASP.NET Core application on servers other than IIS involves using a reverse proxy server. In this setup, the ASP.NET Core app runs on the built-in web server, Kestrel, which is only accessible via localhost. An external web server, such as Apache or NGINX, acts as a reverse proxy, forwarding requests between the client and the ASP.NET Core app seamlessly.

+-----------+     +-----------+     +-----------+     +---------------------+
|           |     |           |     |           |     |                     |
|  Client   +----->  Reverse  +----->  Kestrel  +----->  ASP.NET Core       |
| (Browser, |     |  Proxy    |     | (Built-in |     |  Application        |
|   App)    |     | (Apache,  |     |  Server)  |     |                     |
|           |     |  NGINX)   |     |           |     |                     |
+-----+-----+     +-----+-----+     +-----+-----+     +---------------------+
      ^                 ^                 ^                 ^
      |                 |                 |                 |


  1. The client (browser, app, etc.) sends a request to the reverse proxy server (Apache, NGINX, etc.).
  2. The reverse proxy server forwards the request to the Kestrel server, which is the built-in web server for the ASP.NET Core application.
  3. The Kestrel server processes the request and passes it to the ASP.NET Core application.
  4. The ASP.NET Core application processes the request and generates a response.
  5. The response is sent back to the Kestrel server.
  6. The Kestrel server forwards the response to the reverse proxy server.
  7. The reverse proxy server sends the response back to the client.

As demonstrated, handling requests and maintaining the application’s availability are two distinct processes in non-IIS servers, such as our scenario with an Ubuntu 22.04 server and Apache. Consequently, we must explore strategies for keeping our application process continuously running on an Ubuntu server.

On Microsoft official documentation on how to publish AspNetCore Apps in Linux, there is a section called “Monitoring the app” which describe how to create a Linux service that is able to restart automatically if the application crashes. Here is the link to the official documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/linux-apache?view=aspnetcore-7.0#monitor-the-app

In Ubuntu Linux, services (also known as daemons) are background processes that run continuously and perform specific tasks, such as listening for incoming connections, managing system resources, or running scheduled tasks. They are designed to start automatically during system boot, run in the background, and stop during system shutdown.

Ubuntu uses the systemd system and service manager as its default init system, which is responsible for bootstrapping the user space and managing system services. Here’s how services work in Ubuntu Linux using systemd:

  1. Service unit files: Each service has a corresponding unit file with a .service extension, typically located in /lib/systemd/system/ or /etc/systemd/system/. These files contain the configuration and instructions for starting, stopping, and managing the service.
  2. Service management: You can manage services using the systemctl command. Some common tasks include starting, stopping, enabling, disabling, and checking the status of services. For example:
    • Start a service: sudo systemctl start service-name
    • Stop a service: sudo systemctl stop service-name
    • Enable a service to start at boot: sudo systemctl enable service-name
    • Disable a service from starting at boot: sudo systemctl disable service-name
    • Check the status of a service: systemctl status service-name
  3. Logging: systemd services use the journalctl command for logging, which allows you to view and manage logs for services and the entire system. You can access logs for a specific service by running journalctl -u service-name.
  4. Custom services: You can create custom services by writing your own service unit files and placing them in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory. This is useful when you want to run your own applications or scripts as services.

To maintain the availability of an application process on an Ubuntu server, you can create a custom service using systemd. This will enable the application to start automatically during system boot, restart if it crashes, and be managed using standard systemctl commands.

Most linux users will the create the unit (service file) using a command line text editor, this can be a bit challenging for a DotNet programmer since we are used to user interfaces. In our company (Xari) we often deploy AspNetCore applications to linux servers, we do it so often that I had to create a tool to generate the unit files, the tool is publicly available at https://linux4dotnet.jocheojeda.com/

Using the tool you just need to fill the gaps and it will generate the text of each file that you need to use, so here are the files that I generated for my test of running oqtane in an ubuntu server


sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libgdiplus
chmod +x /home/oqtane/Oqtane.Framework.3.4.0.Install/Oqtane.Server
chmod +x /home/oqtane/Oqtane.Framework.3.4.0.Install/UninstallService.sh
chmod +x /home/oqtane/Oqtane.Framework.3.4.0.Install/Start.sh
chmod +x /home/oqtane/Oqtane.Framework.3.4.0.Install/Stop.sh
chmod +x /home/oqtane/Oqtane.Framework.3.4.0.Install/Status.sh
sudo yes | cp /home/oqtane/Oqtane.Framework.3.4.0.Install/Oqtane.Server.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable Oqtane.Server.service
sudo systemctl start Oqtane.Server.service
sudo systemctl status Oqtane.Server.service



#Restart service after 10 seconds if the dotnet service crashes

WantedBy=user. Target



sudo systemctl start Oqtane.Server.service


sudo systemctl stop Oqtane.Server.service



sudo systemctl status OqtaneServer.service


sudo systemctl stop Oqtane.Server.service
sudo systemctl disable Oqtane.Server.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/Oqtane.Server.service
ps -ef | grep Oqtane.Server | grep -v grep | awk '{print }' | xargs kill


And last but not least the install instructions ))

These are the commands you need to run to install the app as a linux service
1) Go to the app directory
cd /home/oqtane/Oqtane.Framework.3.4.0.Install
2) First change the permissions of the InstallService.sh
chmod +x InstallService.sh
3) Run the installation file

If you are using virtualmin(appache) and you want to for https redirection, here are the instructions
Virtualmin --> Services --> Configure Website(the one on port 80) --> Edit Directives
Under 'RewriteEngine On' add the next line
RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R]
Restart Apache

Now we only need to copy the generated files to the Oqtane folder and run “InstallService.sh” and “voila” your oqtane app is a linux service now, you can check the results here https://oqtane.jocheojeda.com/










3 – Running multiple instances of oqtane for virtual hosting environments in apache webserver

3 – Running multiple instances of oqtane for virtual hosting environments in apache webserver

Virtual hosting is a technique used by Apache (and other web servers) to host multiple websites on a single server. With virtual hosting, a single physical server can host multiple virtual servers, each with its own domain name, IP address, and content.

Virtual hosting can be implemented in two ways:

  1. Name-based virtual hosting: In this approach, the server uses the domain name provided in the HTTP request to determine which virtual host should serve the request. For example, if a user requests a page from “example.com”, the server will use the virtual host configured for that domain and serve the appropriate content.
  2. IP-based virtual hosting: In this approach, each virtual host is assigned a separate IP address, and the server uses the IP address in the HTTP request to determine which virtual host should serve the request. For example, if a user requests a page from the IP address assigned to “example.com”, the server will use the virtual host configured for that IP address and serve the appropriate content.

Virtual hosting allows a server to serve multiple websites, each with its own domain name and content, using a single physical server. This makes hosting more efficient and cost-effective, especially for smaller websites that don’t require dedicated servers.

The following diagram represents the most common virtual hosting setup

|   Apache Web Server   |
         |      +---------------------+
         |      |   Virtual Host A     |
         +------|   (example.com)     |
                |                     |
                |  Document Root:     |
                |    /var/www/A/      |
                |                     |
         |      +---------------------+
         |      |   Virtual Host B     |
         +------|   (example.net)     |
                |                     |
                |  Document Root:     |
                |    /var/www/B/      |
                |                     |


ASP.NET Core and Blazor applications have the capability to run their own in-process web server, Kestrel. Kestrel can be bound to a specific IP address or port number, enabling the applications to be hosted in virtual environments. To accomplish this, each application can be bound to a unique port number.


|   Apache Web Server   |
         |      +---------------------+
         |      |   Virtual Host A    |
         +------|   (example.com)     |
                |                     |
                |  Proxy to:          |
                |                     |
         |      +---------------------+
         |      |   Virtual Host B    |
         +------|   (example.net)     |
                |                     |
                |  Proxy to:          |
                |                     |

As shown in the diagram, physical folders for the document root are no longer utilized. Rather, a proxy is created to the Kestrel web server, which runs our ASP.NET Core applications

To bind our ASP.NET Core applications to a specific IP address or port number, there are multiple methods available. Detailed documentation on this subject can be found at the following link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/servers/kestrel/endpoints?view=aspnetcore-7.0#configureiconfiguration

There are various approaches that can be used based on the specific use case. For the sake of simplicity in this example, we will be utilizing the configuration method. This involves appending the configuration JSON for the Kestrel web server, as shown in the following example.


  "Kestrel": {
    "Endpoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": "http://localhost:8016"


So here is how our configuration files should look like

Example.com (Host A)

  "Runtime": "Server",
  "RenderMode": "ServerPrerendered",
  "Database": {
    "DefaultDBType": "Oqtane.Database.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLDatabase, Oqtane.Database.PostgreSQL"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Server=;Port=5432;Database=example.com;User ID=example.com;Password=1234567890;"
  "Kestrel": {
  "Endpoints": {
    "Http": {
      "Url": "http://localhost:8016"
  "Installation": {
    "DefaultAlias": "",
    "HostPassword": "",
    "HostEmail": "",
    "SiteTemplate": "",
    "DefaultTheme": "",
    "DefaultContainer": ""
  "Localization": {
    "DefaultCulture": "en"
  "AvailableDatabases": [
      "Name": "LocalDB",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.LocalDBConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.SqlServer.SqlServerDatabase, Oqtane.Database.SqlServer"
      "Name": "SQL Server",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.SqlServerConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.SqlServer.SqlServerDatabase, Oqtane.Database.SqlServer"
      "Name": "SQLite",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.SqliteConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.Sqlite.SqliteDatabase, Oqtane.Database.Sqlite"
      "Name": "MySQL",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.MySQLConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.MySQL.MySQLDatabase, Oqtane.Database.MySQL"
      "Name": "PostgreSQL",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.PostgreSQLConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLDatabase, Oqtane.Database.PostgreSQL"
  "Logging": {
    "FileLogger": {
      "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Error"
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information"
  "InstallationId": "f5789fa4-895c-45d7-bc26-03eb166e008a"


Example.net (Host B)

  "Runtime": "Server",
  "RenderMode": "ServerPrerendered",
  "Database": {
    "DefaultDBType": "Oqtane.Database.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLDatabase, Oqtane.Database.PostgreSQL"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Server=;Port=5432;Database=example.net;User ID=example.net;Password=1234567890;"
    "Kestrel": {
    "Endpoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": "http://localhost:8017"
  "Installation": {
    "DefaultAlias": "",
    "HostPassword": "",
    "HostEmail": "",
    "SiteTemplate": "",
    "DefaultTheme": "",
    "DefaultContainer": ""
  "Localization": {
    "DefaultCulture": "en"
  "AvailableDatabases": [
      "Name": "LocalDB",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.LocalDBConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.SqlServer.SqlServerDatabase, Oqtane.Database.SqlServer"
      "Name": "SQL Server",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.SqlServerConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.SqlServer.SqlServerDatabase, Oqtane.Database.SqlServer"
      "Name": "SQLite",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.SqliteConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.Sqlite.SqliteDatabase, Oqtane.Database.Sqlite"
      "Name": "MySQL",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.MySQLConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.MySQL.MySQLDatabase, Oqtane.Database.MySQL"
      "Name": "PostgreSQL",
      "ControlType": "Oqtane.Installer.Controls.PostgreSQLConfig, Oqtane.Client",
      "DBType": "Oqtane.Database.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLDatabase, Oqtane.Database.PostgreSQL"
  "Logging": {
    "FileLogger": {
      "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Error"
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information"
  "InstallationId": "f5789fa4-895c-45d7-bc26-03eb166e008a"


As demonstrated, utilizing Oqtane in virtual hosting environments is a straightforward process. There is no need to recompile the source code, as configuring the application for virtual hosting can be easily accomplished through a single configuration section in the appsettings.json file.




2-publishing oqtane 3.4 to target Ubuntu Linux

2-publishing oqtane 3.4 to target Ubuntu Linux

In the preceding blog post, we explored the process of running Oqtane on Ubuntu Linux and successfully confirmed its functionality. Now, let us delve deeper and proceed to package the installation binaries specifically tailored for Ubuntu Linux deployment.

As a frequent publisher of Blazor applications to Linux servers, I find the process to be quite straightforward. Utilizing the .NET CLI, one can simply execute the following command to publish the app for Linux:

dotnet publish --runtime linux-x64

On this occasion, my customary approach to publishing encountered an obstacle, indicating additional steps were required. Consequently, I submitted an issue to the Oqtane GitHub repository, where Leigh Pointer from the Oqtane community kindly provided guidance in the correct direction. The GitHub issue can be viewed here.

The first file that I changed was

del "*.nupkg"
del "*.zip"
dotnet clean -c Release ..\Oqtane.Databases.sln
dotnet clean -c Release ..\Oqtane.sln 
dotnet build -c Release ..\Oqtane.Databases.sln
dotnet build -c Release ..\Oqtane.sln
nuget.exe pack Oqtane.Client.nuspec
nuget.exe pack Oqtane.Server.nuspec
nuget.exe pack Oqtane.Shared.nuspec                  
nuget.exe pack Oqtane.Framework.nuspec
del /F/Q/S "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish" > NUL
rmdir /Q/S "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish"
dotnet publish ..\Oqtane.Server\Oqtane.Server.csproj /p:Configuration=Release
del /F/Q/S "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\wwwroot\Content" > NUL
rmdir /Q/S "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\wwwroot\Content"
set retain=Oqtane.Modules.Admin.Login,Oqtane.Modules.HtmlText,Templates
for /D %%i in ("..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\wwwroot\Modules\*") do (
set /A found=0
for %%j in (%retain%) do (
if "%%~nxi" == "%%j" set /A found=1
if not !found! == 1 rmdir /Q/S "%%i"
set retain=Oqtane.Themes.BlazorTheme,Oqtane.Themes.OqtaneTheme,Templates
for /D %%i in ("..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\wwwroot\Themes\*") do (
set /A found=0
for %%j in (%retain%) do (
if "%%~nxi" == "%%j" set /A found=1
if not !found! == 1 rmdir /Q/S "%%i"
del "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\appsettings.json"
ren "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\appsettings.release.json" "appsettings.json"
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe ".\install.ps1"
del "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\appsettings.json"
del "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\web.config"
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe ".\upgrade.ps1"
dotnet clean -c Release ..\Oqtane.Updater.sln 
dotnet build -c Release ..\Oqtane.Updater.sln
dotnet publish ..\Oqtane.Updater\Oqtane.Updater.csproj /p:Configuration=Release
nuget.exe pack Oqtane.Updater.nuspec


and this is my modified version

del "*.nupkg"
del "*.zip"
dotnet clean -c Release ..\Oqtane.Databases.sln
dotnet clean -c Release ..\Oqtane.sln 
dotnet build -c Release ..\Oqtane.Databases.sln
dotnet build -c Release ..\Oqtane.sln
nuget.exe pack Oqtane.Client.nuspec
nuget.exe pack Oqtane.Server.nuspec
nuget.exe pack Oqtane.Shared.nuspec                  
nuget.exe pack Oqtane.Framework.nuspec
del /F/Q/S "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish" > NUL
rmdir /Q/S "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish"
dotnet publish ..\Oqtane.Server\Oqtane.Server.csproj /p:Configuration=Release --runtime linux-x64 --self-contained true
del /F/Q/S "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\wwwroot\Content" > NUL
rmdir /Q/S "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\wwwroot\Content"
set retain=Oqtane.Modules.Admin.Login,Oqtane.Modules.HtmlText,Templates
for /D %%i in ("..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\wwwroot\Modules\*") do (
set /A found=0
for %%j in (%retain%) do (
if "%%~nxi" == "%%j" set /A found=1
if not !found! == 1 rmdir /Q/S "%%i"
set retain=Oqtane.Themes.BlazorTheme,Oqtane.Themes.OqtaneTheme,Templates
for /D %%i in ("..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\wwwroot\Themes\*") do (
set /A found=0
for %%j in (%retain%) do (
if "%%~nxi" == "%%j" set /A found=1
if not !found! == 1 rmdir /Q/S "%%i"
del "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\appsettings.json"
ren "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\appsettings.release.json" "appsettings.json"
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe ".\install.ps1"
del "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\appsettings.json"
del "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\publish\web.config"
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe ".\upgrade.ps1"
dotnet clean -c Release ..\Oqtane.Updater.sln 
dotnet build -c Release ..\Oqtane.Updater.sln
dotnet publish ..\Oqtane.Updater\Oqtane.Updater.csproj /p:Configuration=Release --runtime linux-x64 --self-contained true


The script is basically the same I just appended the runtime target parameter and the self contained parameter, lie this: “-runtime linux-x64 –self-contained true” in the 2 lines specified below

line 13: dotnet publish ..\Oqtane.Server\Oqtane.Server.csproj /p:Configuration=Release --runtime linux-x64 --self-contained true
line 41: dotnet publish ..\Oqtane.Updater\Oqtane.Updater.csproj /p:Configuration=Release --runtime linux-x64 --self-contained true

After I changed the publishing parameters the path of the published files changed, now they are in a folder that with the same name of the target runtime, that means that I need to update 2 more files “install.ps1” and “upgrade.ps1”


Compress-Archive -Path "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\linux-x64\publish\*" -DestinationPath "Oqtane.Framework.3.4.0.Install.zip" -Force


Compress-Archive -Path "..\Oqtane.Server\bin\Release\net6.0\linux-x64\publish\*" -DestinationPath "Oqtane.Framework.3.4.0.Upgrade.zip" -Force


So after those little changes we are ready to compile oqtane to target Linux runtime as a self contained app




1-Compiling oqtane 3.4 to target Ubuntu Linux

1-Compiling oqtane 3.4 to target Ubuntu Linux

Oqtane is an open-source, modular application framework built on top of ASP.NET Core, a popular web development platform created by Microsoft. Oqtane is inspired by DotNetNuke (DNN), another content management system and web application framework, but it is designed specifically to take advantage of the benefits of ASP.NET Core, such as cross-platform compatibility, improved performance, and modern architectural patterns.

Since Oqtane is built on ASP.NET Core, it leverages the underlying features of the platform, such as support for C# and Razor syntax, dependency injection, and Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. As a result, developers familiar with ASP.NET Core will find it easier to work with Oqtane.

Oqtane allows developers to build customizable, extensible, and scalable web applications by providing a modular infrastructure that supports the development of plug-and-play components, such as themes, modules, and extensions. It offers a range of features, including user authentication and authorization, multi-tenancy, a content management system, and a built-in administration dashboard.

Currently, the Oqtane documentation primarily outlines the installation process on an IIS server, which is exclusive to Windows operating systems. However, as previously mentioned, Oqtane is built upon the versatile .NET Core framework, which boasts compatibility with a variety of operating systems, including Linux.

Embracing .NET Core on Linux has been a passion of mine ever since its inception. I have diligently sought to acquire the knowledge necessary to effectively run .NET applications on Linux, immersing myself in every aspect of this cross-platform journey.

Motivated to explore the potential of running Oqtane on Ubuntu 22.04 with PostgreSQL (a previously unsupported database system by Oqtane), I set forth with two primary objectives. The first is to determine the feasibility of compiling the code and executing it in alignment with the guidelines provided in Oqtane’s documentation. My second is to generate Linux-compatible binaries, enabling deployment on a Linux server.

In accordance with the “Getting Started” section of Oqtane’s GitHub repository, three prerequisites must be met. The first requirement, installing the .NET 6 SDK, is effortlessly accomplished on a Linux machine by executing a mere two commands, thus equipping the system with both the SDK and runtime.

To install the SDK, execute the following command

sudo apt-get update && \
  sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-6.0

To install the runtime, execute the following command

sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-runtime-6.0

You can check the official documentation here  

The second requirement is “Install the latest edition (v17.0 or higher) of Visual Studio 2022 with the ASP.NET and web development workload enabled.” that is not possible because we are using Linux, we can use visual studio code, but for the sake of simplicity we will just use the dotnet CLI.

Third and last step is to clone or download the development branch of oqtane  , to keep it simple we will just download the source

After we have download the source, we should navigate to the folder where oqtane server project lives, that is usually “Oqtane.Server” inside the solution folder, once there start a terminal and run the following command

dotnet run Oqtane.Server.csproj

Then you will see something like this

After that you can navigate to http://localhost:44357 and you will se this page

Congratulations, you have successfully compiled and run Oqtane for Ubuntu Linux

In the next post I will include the details to generate oqtane release binaries for Linux