Brevitas Application Framework (Alpha Release )

Brevitas Application Framework (Alpha Release )

First, let’s start with that is Brevitas, if someone asks me (the creator) I will say that Brevitas is an application framework for Xamarin Forms that you can use to develop L.O.B (Line of Business) Applications. Creating mobile apps using MVVM pattern is fun, but it requires an incredible amount of time, I have been a long time user of the application framework XAF and I love its productivity-oriented approach. So when I created Brevitas that was my main goal, to save time for me and other developers, if you save development time and make money at the same time you can dedicate more time to yourself and your loved ones.



For Oscar & Юлия

Because everything that is good in my life was born this day



Download Brevitas Application Framework Installer

[download id=”516″]


Brevitas NuGet Repository