Exposing your XPO ORM using GraphQL dotnet

Exposing your XPO ORM using GraphQL dotnet

Exposing your XPO ORM using GraphQL

Note: you can download the full source code for this article in my GitHub repository 

In the past few years, I have been working on developing mobile applications, in the mobile world most of the applications will consume some type of data service, the main problem here is how to choose the correct data service? There are a lot of technologies to expose data over the wire and all of them are good somehow, so for me, the quest is about to find a technology where can I use my current skill set.

Today subject of study is GraphQL, an open source technology developed by Facebook that is a data query and manipulation language for API.

The beauty of GraphQL is its efficient and flexible approach to develop web APIs that can be queried to return a different data structure in the opposite side of the REST API and traditional web services that return a fix data structure, you can learn more about the GrahpQL project on their website https://graphql.org/

First, we will start by creating a new Asp.net core web application

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We name the application

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

Then we select Empty for the project type

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Now that the project is created, we need to add a few NuGet packages, you can copy and paste the following snippet inside of your csproj file


<PackageReference Include="DevExpress.Xpo" Version="18.2.7" />

<PackageReference Include="GraphQL" Version="2.4.0" />

<PackageReference Include="GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore" Version="3.4.0" />

<PackageReference Include="GraphQL.Server.Transports.WebSockets" Version="3.4.0" />

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Design" Version="2.2.0" PrivateAssets="All" />

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles" Version="2.2.0" />

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.Sqlite" Version="2.2.4" />

<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="4.1.5" />



Now if let’s try to compile and run the application, at this moment you should see a “hello world” in your browser

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Now let’s add a second project to the solution to host the ORM, for that let’s use a NetStandard class library

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Let’s name the project XpoOrm, then edit the project file and add the following NuGet packages


<PackageReference Include="DevExpress.Xpo" Version="18.2.7" />

<PackageReference Include="GraphQL" Version="2.4.0" />

<PackageReference Include="GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore" Version="3.4.0" />

<PackageReference Include="GraphQL.Server.Transports.WebSockets" Version="3.4.0" />

<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="4.1.5" />



Now let’s add 3 folders, schema, services and models

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The basic structure of our project is ready, so let’s start adding some models, we will add 2 models products and categories, you can get the source of the files here

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A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

When you finish implementing the models the next step is to implement the services, remember that the main goal of GraphQL is to create a queryable layer between the client and the data service, you can architecture your service in the way that is more convenient for you but in this case I will create one service per entity, this services will be injected in our application using asp.net dependency injection. You can find the source for the services here

Product Service

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Category Service

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So far there we have not written any code related to GraphQL so now it’s the time. GraphQL does not directly expose your data model class instead it builds a type based on your model, let’s see how this will work for the Category model

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As you can see, I have created a new class that inherits from ObjectGraphType<T> where T is our XPO persistent class. Also, in the constructor I used the fluent API to map the fields from the category model to the CategoryType class, the method Field contains several overloads so you can do any type of crazy stuff in here, but for now I’m going keep it simple, now lets create the type for the product model.

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Now that we have created the ProductType class we can see that there are new characteristics here, the first new thing that you will notice is that in the constructor I injected the category service to load the category object related to the product, that is the common design pattern of GrahpQL, this approach is  useful if you are using POCO objects. Also, if you see the commented-out code you can see that when we use XPO we don’t need to inject the category service since it can be loaded directly from the instance of the Product class using XPO lazy loading feature. You can find both graph types here

Now that we have our graph types, we need to create 2 more classes, an object that will hold our list of queries and a schema object that will provide information about the types and the queries that we are exposing, let’s start with the queries object

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The Queries object is basically another graph type, but instead of exposing a model class is exposing the object class, it also uses the dependency injection to inject the 2 services that will forward the data to the fields. Now its time to create the schema for our GraphQL service

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A GraphQL schema can only expose one query so that is why I have created the object queries to hold all the possible subqueries of our services. As you can see, I injected the queries object and the dependency resolver, you can find the code for these classes here.

Now its time to go back to the asp.net core service and start the configuration of GrahpQL, let’s start with the program class

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As you can see in the main method there is some boilerplate code to initialize XPO data layer and create some sample data, nothing new if you are an XPO user you might be already familiar with this code. Now let’s move to the startup class

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As any asp.net core web application, there are 2 important methods let’s see what happened on each of them.

In the configure services method I register the services I created and the graph types also added the GraphQL service and the web sockets and data loader.

Now in the configure method I enabled the use of default files and static files, web sockets also I exposed the GrahpQL schema using web sockets and GrahpQL (this is the HTTP version of the API)

Our API is almost done, there is only one last step we need to do, we need a way to test our API for that we will use Graphical which is a web client to query GrahpQL APIs, the graphical project is hosted here https://github.com/graphql/graphiql but to make it simpler you can download the files from my GitHub repository here

Let’s create a wwwroot folder and add the graphical files into it

Run the application, you should see the graphical U.I and you should be able to navigate the API documentation

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or you can query of XPO ORM

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As you can see there is autocomplete on the query editor also we are able to query objects and nested objects on a field-based manner

This article is the first article on a series of how to expose any XPO ORM using GraphQL, in the next post we will learn about mutations

Xamarin & XPO System.NotSupportedException: Encoding 1252 data could not be found. Make sure you have correct international codeset assembly installed and enabled.

Xamarin & XPO System.NotSupportedException: Encoding 1252 data could not be found. Make sure you have correct international codeset assembly installed and enabled.

You know that moment when you are about to deliver your next mobile app, everything is working fine in your development environment but once you release the app to your customers you start getting errors like the one below

You think, what happened? everything was running fine on my development environment. Well, lets said that when you compile your Xamarin application the main goal of the compiler and the linker is reduced the size of the app, so a lot of things get stripped out of the final release.

Some of the things that are stripped out of the final release are the code pages and that can cause crashes in your app not because your code depends on them but because of some nugets or third-party libraries do.

So to avoid having the exception “System.NotSupportedException: Encoding 1252 data could not be found. Make sure you have correct international codeset assembly installed and enabled” you just need to explicitly add code page to your application

For iOS projects, include it by checking west under Project Properties -> iOS Build -> Internationalization:


For Android projects, include it by checking west under Project Properties -> Android Build -> Linker -> Internationalization:

For visual studio for windows here are the screenshots



The credit goes to this post, that saved my life fixing this error StackOverflow


XPO for Xamarin Forms Webinars (English & Spanish)

XPO for Xamarin Forms Webinars (English & Spanish)

XPO is Developer Express Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for the .NET framework that allows you to rapidly create a data access layer for your applications.XPO 18.2, which is a mature and stable version of XPO that runs on DotNet, DotNetCore and Xamarin. This course will teach you how to get the best performance out of XPO in Xamarin Forms

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to use the best ORM in the dot net world in your next Xamarin application

Webinar Schedule

May 15, 2019, Spanish language

May 22, 2019, English language

XPO for Xamarin Forms Webinars (English & Spanish)

XPO para Xamarin Forms, May 15 2019 (Lenguaje Español)

En el seminario web, aprenderá a aprovechar los conocimientos existentes de XPO y a usarlos para desarrollar aplicaciones móviles con Xamarin Forms


Miercoles 15, 2019, 10:00 A. M hora de los Angeles (UTC-7)


3 Horas



¿Qué obtendrá después del webinar?

  • Acceso al repositorio privado de GitHub con ejemplos de código para cada tema
  • La sesión de Webinar grabada

Lista de temas

  1. Instalación de XPO para Xamarin Forms (Android e iOS)
  2. Inicializar la base de datos local y el esquema
  3. Conexiones locales con SQLite: instalación de paquetes necesarios para Android e iOS
  4. Conexiones locales con XML: creación de un archivo XML base
  5. Conexiones remotas: conexión de base de datos directa con TCPIP (red LAN)
  6. Conexiones remotas: la capa de acceso a datos de WCF
  7. Inicializar la capa de datos
  8. Enlace (binding) de datos MVVM
  9. Enlace de propiedades primitivas
  10. Enlace de propiedades de navegación
  11. Cargando colecciones (la forma tradicional)
  12. Cargando colecciones asincrónicas
  13. Cargando un solo objeto de forma asíncrona
  14. Las paginaciones en colecciones
  15. Como reducir la carga de datos con XPView
  16. Colecciones observables con BIT. Xpo. observables

Requisitos previos

  • Comprensión básica de Xamarin Forms
  • Comprensión básica del patrón de diseño MVVM
  • Conocimiento básico de XPO


€99,00 EUROS

[wpecpp name=”xamarin xpo es” price=”99.00″ align=”left”]


Si está interesado en este curso o tiene alguna duda póngase en contacto con nosotros en training@bitframeworks.com


XPO for Xamarin Forms Webinars (English & Spanish)

XPO for Xamarin Forms, May 22, 2019 (English language)

In the webinar, you will learn how to leverage your existing knowledge of XPO and using it to develop mobile applications using Xamarin Forms


May 22, 2019, 10:00 A.M Los Angeles time (UTC -7)



What will you get after the webinar?

  • Access to the private GitHub repository with code examples for each subject
  • The recorded webinar session

Subject list

  1. Installing XPO for Xamarin forms (Android and iOS)
  2. Initializing local database and schema
  3. Local connections with SQLite: Installing packages necessary for Android and iOS
  4. Local connections with XML: Creating a base XML file
  5. Remote connections: Direct database connection with TCPIP (LAN network)
  6. Remote connections: WCF Data access layer
  7. Initializing Data layer
  8. MVVM Data binding
  9. Primitive properties
  10. Navigation properties
  11. Loading collections (the traditional way)
  12. Loading collections async
  13. Loading single object async
  14. Paging collections
  15. Reducing data loading with XPView
  16. Observables Collections with BIT.Xpo.Observables


  • Basic understanding of Xamarin Forms
  • Basic understanding of MVVM design pattern
  • Basic understanding of XPO


€99,00 EUROS

[wpecpp name=”xamarin xpo en” price=”99.00″ align=”left”]


If you are interested in this course or you have any doubt please contact us at training@bitframeworks.com