Solid Nirvana: The Ephemeral State of SOLID Code

Solid Nirvana: The Ephemeral State of SOLID Code

The Ephemeral State of SOLID Code: Capturing the Perfect Snapshot

In the world of software development, the SOLID principles are often upheld as the gold standard for designing maintainable and scalable code. These principles — Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion — form the bedrock of robust object-oriented design. However, achieving a state where code fully adheres to these principles is a fleeting moment, much like capturing a perfect snapshot in time.

What Does It Mean for Code to Be in a SOLID State?

A SOLID state in source code is a condition where the code perfectly aligns with all five SOLID principles. This means:

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): Every class has one, and only one, reason to change.
  • Open/Closed Principle (OCP): Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification.
  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types.
  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP): No client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use.
  • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP): Depend on abstractions, not concretions.

In this state, the codebase is a model of clarity, flexibility, and robustness. But this state is inherently transient.

The Moment of SOLID Perfection

The reality of software development is that code is in a constant state of flux. New features are added, bugs are fixed, and refactoring is a continuous process. During these periods of active development, maintaining perfect adherence to SOLID principles is challenging. The code may temporarily violate one or more principles as developers refactor or introduce new functionality.

The truly SOLID state can thus be seen as a snapshot — a moment frozen in time when the code perfectly adheres to all five principles. This moment typically occurs:

  • Post-Refactoring: After a significant refactoring effort, where the focus has been on aligning the code with SOLID principles.
  • Before Major Changes: Just before starting a new major feature or overhaul, the existing codebase might be in a perfect SOLID state.
  • Code Reviews: Following a rigorous code review process, where adherence to SOLID principles is explicitly checked and enforced.
  • Milestone Deliveries: Before delivering a major milestone or release, when the code is thoroughly tested and cleaned up.

The Nature of Active Development

Active development is a chaotic process. As new requirements emerge and priorities shift, developers might temporarily sacrifice adherence to SOLID principles for the sake of rapid progress or to meet deadlines. This is a natural part of the development cycle. The key is to recognize that while the code may deviate from these principles during active development, the goal is to continually steer it back towards a SOLID state.

The SOLID State as Nirvana

Achieving a perfect SOLID state can be likened to reaching nirvana — an ideal that is almost impossible to fully attain. Just as nirvana represents a state of ultimate peace and enlightenment, a perfectly SOLID codebase represents the pinnacle of software design. However, this state is incredibly difficult to reach and even harder to maintain. Therefore, it is more practical to view adherence to SOLID principles as a spectrum rather than a binary state.

Measuring SOLID Adherence

Instead of aiming for an elusive perfect state, it’s more pragmatic to measure adherence to SOLID principles using metrics. Tools and techniques can help quantify how well your code aligns with each principle, providing a percentage that reflects its current state. These metrics can include:

  • Class Responsibility: Assessing the number of responsibilities each class has to evaluate adherence to SRP.
  • Change Impact Analysis: Measuring the extent to which modifications to the code require changes in other parts of the system, reflecting adherence to OCP.
  • Subtype Tests: Ensuring subclasses can replace their base classes without altering the correctness of the program, in line with LSP.
  • Interface Utilization: Analyzing the usage of interfaces to ensure they are not overly broad, adhering to ISP.
  • Dependency Metrics: Evaluating dependencies between high-level and low-level modules, supporting DIP.

By regularly measuring these metrics, developers can maintain a clear view of how their code is evolving in relation to SOLID principles. This approach allows for continuous improvement and helps teams prioritize refactoring efforts where they are most needed.

Embracing the Snapshot

Understanding that a perfectly SOLID state is a temporary snapshot can help developers maintain a healthy perspective. It’s crucial to strive for SOLID principles as a guiding star but also to accept that deviations are part of the journey. Regular refactoring sessions, continuous integration practices, and diligent code reviews are essential practices to frequently bring the code back to a SOLID state.


In conclusion, a SOLID state of source code is a valuable but ephemeral achievement, akin to reaching nirvana in the realm of software development. It represents a moment of perfection in the ongoing evolution of a software project. By recognizing this, developers can better manage their expectations and maintain a balance between striving for perfection and the practical realities of software development. Embrace the snapshot of SOLID perfection when it occurs, but also understand that the true measure of a healthy codebase is its ability to evolve while frequently realigning with these timeless principles, using metrics and percentages to guide the way.

Embracing the WSL: A DotNet Developer’s Perspective

Embracing the WSL: A DotNet Developer’s Perspective

Hello, dear readers! Today, we’re going to talk about something called the Windows Subsystem for Linux, or WSL for short. Now, don’t worry if you’re not a tech wizard – this guide is meant to be approachable for everyone!

What is WSL?

In simple terms, WSL is a feature in Windows that allows you to use Linux right within your Windows system. Think of it as having a little bit of Linux magic right in your Windows computer!

Why Should I Care?

Well, WSL is like having a Swiss Army knife on your computer. It can make certain tasks easier and faster, and it can even let you use tools that were previously only available on Linux.

Is It Hard to Use?

Not at all! If you’ve ever used the Command Prompt on your Windows computer, then you’re already halfway there. And even if you haven’t, there are plenty of easy-to-follow guides out there to help you get started.

Do I Need to Be a Computer Expert to Use It?

Absolutely not! While WSL is a powerful tool that many developers love to use, it’s also quite user-friendly. With a bit of curiosity and a dash of patience, anyone can start exploring the world of WSL.

As a DotNet developer, you might be wondering why there’s so much buzz around the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Let’s dive into the reasons why WSL could be a game-changer for you.

  • Seamless Integration: WSL provides a full-fledged Linux environment right within your Windows system. This means you can run Linux commands and applications without needing a separate machine or dual-boot setup.
  • Development Environment Consistency: With WSL, you can maintain consistency between your development and production environments, especially if your applications are deployed on Linux servers. This can significantly reduce the “it works on my machine” syndrome.
  • Access to Linux-Only Tools: Some tools and utilities are only available or work better on Linux. WSL brings these tools to your Windows desktop, expanding your toolkit without additional overhead.
  • Improved Performance: WSL 2, the latest version, runs a real Linux kernel inside a lightweight virtual machine (VM), which leads to faster file system performance and complete system call compatibility.
  • Docker Support: WSL 2 provides full Docker support without requiring additional layers for translation between Windows and Linux, resulting in a more efficient and seamless Docker experience.

In conclusion, WSL is not just a fancy tool; it’s a powerful ally that can enhance your productivity and capabilities as a DotNet developer.


Design Patterns for Library Creators in Dotnet

Design Patterns for Library Creators in Dotnet

Hello there! Today, we’re going to delve into the fascinating world of design patterns. Don’t worry if you’re not a tech whiz – we’ll keep things simple and relatable. We’ll use the SyncFramework as an example, but our main focus will be on the design patterns themselves. So, let’s get started!

What are Design Patterns?

Design patterns are like blueprints – they provide solutions to common problems that occur in software design. They’re not ready-made code that you can directly insert into your program. Instead, they’re guidelines you can follow to solve a particular problem in a specific context.

SOLID Design Principles

One of the most popular sets of design principles is SOLID. It’s an acronym that stands for five principles that help make software designs more understandable, flexible, and maintainable. Let’s break it down:

  1. Single Responsibility Principle: A class should have only one reason to change. In other words, it should have only one job.
  2. Open-Closed Principle: Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. This means we should be able to add new features or functionality without changing the existing code.
  3. Liskov Substitution Principle: Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types. This principle is about creating new derived classes that can replace the functionality of the base class without breaking the application.
  4. Interface Segregation Principle: Clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they do not use. This principle is about reducing the side effects and frequency of required changes by splitting the software into multiple, independent parts.
  5. Dependency Inversion Principle: High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. This principle allows for decoupling.

Applying SOLID Principles in SyncFramework

The SyncFramework is a great example of how these principles can be applied. Here’s how:

  • Single Responsibility Principle: Each component of the SyncFramework has a specific role. For instance, one component is responsible for tracking changes, while another handles conflict resolution.
  • Open-Closed Principle: The SyncFramework is designed to be extensible. You can add new data sources or change the way data is synchronized without modifying the core framework.
  • Liskov Substitution Principle: The SyncFramework uses base classes and interfaces that allow for substitutable components. This means you can replace or modify components without affecting the overall functionality.
  • Interface Segregation Principle: The SyncFramework provides a range of interfaces, allowing you to choose the ones you need and ignore the ones you don’t.
  • Dependency Inversion Principle: The SyncFramework depends on abstractions, not on concrete classes. This makes it more flexible and adaptable to changes.


And that’s a wrap for today! But don’t worry, this is just the beginning. In the upcoming series of articles, we’ll dive deeper into each of these principles. We’ll explore how they’re applied in the source code of the SyncFramework, providing real-world examples to help you understand these concepts better. So, stay tuned for more exciting insights into the world of design patterns! See you in the next article!


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Understanding AppDomains in .NET Framework and .NET 5 to 8

Understanding AppDomains in .NET Framework and .NET 5 to 8

Understanding AppDomains in .NET Framework and .NET 5 to 8

AppDomains, or Application Domains, have been a fundamental part of isolation and security in the .NET Framework, allowing multiple applications to run under a single process without affecting each other. However, the introduction of .NET Core and its evolution through .NET 5 to 8 has brought significant changes to how isolation and application boundaries are handled. This article will explore the concept of AppDomains in the .NET Framework, their transition and replacement in .NET 5 to 8, and provide code examples to illustrate these differences.

AppDomains in .NET Framework

In the .NET Framework, AppDomains served as an isolation boundary for applications, providing a secure and stable environment for code execution. They enabled developers to load and unload assemblies without affecting the entire application, facilitating application updates, and minimizing downtime.

Creating an AppDomain

using System;

namespace NetFrameworkAppDomains
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a new application domain
            AppDomain newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("NewAppDomain");

            // Load an assembly into the application domain

            // Unload the application domain

AppDomains in .NET 5 to 8

With the shift to .NET Core and its successors, the concept of AppDomains was deprecated, reflecting the platform’s move towards cross-platform compatibility and microservices architecture. Instead of AppDomains, .NET 5 to 8 emphasizes on assembly loading contexts for isolation and the use of containers (like Docker) for application separation.

AssemblyLoadContext in .NET 5 to 8

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Loader;

namespace NetCoreAssemblyLoading
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a new AssemblyLoadContext
            var loadContext = new AssemblyLoadContext("MyLoadContext", true);

            // Load an assembly into the context
            Assembly assembly = loadContext.LoadFromAssemblyPath("MyAssembly.dll");

            // Execute a method from the assembly (example method)
            MethodInfo methodInfo = assembly.GetType("MyNamespace.MyClass").GetMethod("MyMethod");
            methodInfo.Invoke(null, null);

            // Unload the AssemblyLoadContext

Differences and Considerations

  • Isolation Level: AppDomains provided process-level isolation without needing multiple processes. In contrast, AssemblyLoadContext provides a lighter-weight mechanism for loading assemblies but doesn’t offer the same isolation level. For higher isolation, .NET 5 to 8 applications are encouraged to use containers or separate processes.
  • Compatibility: AppDomains are specific to the .NET Framework and are not supported in .NET Core and its successors. Applications migrating to .NET 5 to 8 need to adapt their architecture to use AssemblyLoadContext or explore alternative isolation mechanisms like containers.
  • Performance: The move away from AppDomains to more granular assembly loading and containers reflects a shift towards microservices and cloud-native applications, where performance, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility are prioritized.


While the transition from AppDomains to AssemblyLoadContext and container-based isolation marks a significant shift in application architecture, it aligns with the modern development practices and requirements of .NET applications. Understanding these differences is crucial for developers migrating from the .NET Framework to .NET 5 to