Discovering the Simplicity of C# in Blockchain Development with Stratis

Discovering the Simplicity of C# in Blockchain Development with Stratis


Blockchain technology has revolutionized various industries by providing a decentralized and secure way to manage data and transactions. At the heart of this innovation are smart contracts—self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code. My journey into blockchain development began with the excitement of these possibilities, but it also came with challenges, particularly with the Solidity programming language. However, everything changed when I discovered the Stratis platform, which supports smart contracts using C#, making development much more accessible for me. In this article, I’ll share my experiences, challenges, and the eventual breakthrough that came with Stratis.

Challenges with Solidity

Solidity is the most popular language for writing smart contracts on Ethereum, but it has a steep learning curve. My background in programming didn’t include a lot of JavaScript-like languages, so adapting to Solidity’s syntax and concepts was daunting. The process of writing, testing, and deploying smart contracts often felt cumbersome. Debugging was a particular pain point, with cryptic error messages and a lack of mature tooling compared to more established programming environments.

The complexity and frustration of dealing with these issues made me seek an alternative that could leverage my existing programming skills. I wanted a platform that was easier to work with and more aligned with languages I was already comfortable with. This search led me to discover Stratis.

Introduction to Stratis

Stratis is a blockchain development platform designed to meet the needs of enterprises and developers by offering a simpler and more efficient way to build blockchain solutions. What caught my attention was its support for C#—a language I was already proficient in. Stratis allows developers to create smart contracts using C#, integrating seamlessly with the .NET ecosystem.

This discovery was a game-changer for me. The prospect of using a familiar language in a robust development environment like Visual Studio, combined with the powerful features of Stratis, promised a much smoother and more productive development experience.

Why Stratis Stood Out

The primary benefit of using C# over Solidity is the familiarity and maturity of the development tools. With C#, I could leverage the rich ecosystem of libraries, tools, and frameworks available in the .NET environment. This not only sped up the development process but also reduced the time spent on debugging and testing.

Stratis offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to simplify blockchain development. The Stratis Full Node, for instance, provides a fully functional blockchain node that can be easily integrated into existing applications. Additionally, Stratis offers a smart contract template for Visual Studio, making it straightforward to start building and deploying smart contracts.

Another significant advantage is the support and community around Stratis. The documentation is thorough, and the community is active, providing a wealth of resources and assistance for developers at all levels.


Transitioning from Solidity to Stratis was a pivotal moment in my blockchain development journey. The challenges I faced with Solidity were mitigated by the ease and familiarity of C#. Stratis provided a robust and efficient platform that significantly improved my development workflow.

In the next article, I will dive into the practical steps of setting up the Stratis development environment. We’ll cover everything you need to get started, from installing the necessary tools to configuring your first Stratis Full Node. Stay tuned for a detailed guide that will set the foundation for your journey into C# smart contract development.

How ARM, x86, and Itanium Architectures Affect .NET Developers

How ARM, x86, and Itanium Architectures Affect .NET Developers

The ARM, x86, and Itanium CPU architectures each have unique characteristics that impact .NET developers. Understanding how these architectures affect your code, along with the importance of using appropriate NuGet packages, is crucial for developing efficient and compatible applications.

ARM Architecture and .NET Development

1. Performance and Optimization:

  • Energy Efficiency: ARM processors are known for their power efficiency, benefiting .NET applications on devices like mobile phones and tablets with longer battery life and reduced thermal output.
  • Performance: ARM processors may exhibit different performance characteristics compared to x86 processors. Developers need to optimize their code to ensure efficient execution on ARM architecture.

2. Cross-Platform Development:

  • .NET Core and .NET 5+: These versions support cross-platform development, allowing code to run on Windows, macOS, and Linux, including ARM-based versions.
  • Compatibility: Ensuring .NET applications are compatible with ARM devices may require testing and modifications to address architecture-specific issues.

3. Tooling and Development Environment:

  • Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code: Both provide support for ARM development, though there may be differences in features and performance compared to x86 environments.
  • Emulators and Physical Devices: Testing on actual ARM hardware or using emulators helps identify performance bottlenecks and compatibility issues.

x86 Architecture and .NET Development

1. Performance and Optimization:

  • Processing Power: x86 processors are known for high performance and are widely used in desktops, servers, and high-end gaming.
  • Instruction Set Complexity: The complex instruction set of x86 (CISC) allows for efficient execution of certain tasks, which can differ from ARM’s RISC approach.

2. Compatibility:

  • Legacy Applications: x86’s extensive history means many enterprise and legacy applications are optimized for this architecture.
  • NuGet Packages: Ensuring that NuGet packages target x86 or are architecture-agnostic is crucial for maintaining compatibility and performance.

3. Development Tools:

  • Comprehensive Support: x86 development benefits from mature tools and extensive resources available in Visual Studio and other IDEs.

Itanium Architecture and .NET Development

1. Performance and Optimization:

  • High-End Computing: Itanium processors were designed for high-end computing tasks, such as large-scale data processing and enterprise servers.
  • EPIC Architecture: Itanium uses Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC), which requires different optimization strategies compared to x86 and ARM.

2. Limited Support:

  • Niche Market: Itanium has a smaller market presence, primarily in enterprise environments.
  • .NET Support: .NET support for Itanium is limited, requiring careful consideration of architecture-specific issues.

CPU Architecture and Code Impact

1. Instruction Sets and Performance:

  • Differences: x86 (CISC), ARM (RISC), and Itanium (EPIC) have different instruction sets, affecting code efficiency. Optimizations effective on one architecture might not work well on another.
  • Compiler Optimizations: .NET compilers optimize code for specific architectures, but understanding the underlying architecture helps write more efficient code.

2. Multi-Platform Development:

    • Conditional Compilation: .NET supports conditional compilation for architecture-specific code optimizations.

    #if ARM
    // ARM-specific code
    #elif x86
    // x86-specific code
    #elif Itanium
    // Itanium-specific code
  • Libraries and Dependencies: Ensure all libraries and dependencies in your .NET project are compatible with the target CPU architecture. Use NuGet packages that are either architecture-agnostic or specifically target your architecture.

3. Debugging and Testing:

  • Architecture-Specific Bugs: Bugs may manifest differently across ARM, x86, and Itanium. Rigorous testing on all target architectures is essential.
  • Performance Testing: Conduct performance testing on each architecture to identify and resolve any specific issues.

Supported CPU Architectures in .NET

1. .NET Core and .NET 5+:

  • x86 and x64: Full support for 32-bit and 64-bit x86 architectures across all major operating systems.
  • ARM32 and ARM64: Support for 32-bit and 64-bit ARM architectures, including Windows on ARM, Linux on ARM, and macOS on ARM (Apple Silicon).
  • Itanium: Limited support, mainly in specific enterprise scenarios.

2. .NET Framework:

  • x86 and x64: Primarily designed for Windows, the .NET Framework supports both 32-bit and 64-bit x86 architectures.
  • Limited ARM and Itanium Support: The traditional .NET Framework has limited support for ARM and Itanium, mainly for older devices and specific enterprise applications.

3. .NET MAUI and Xamarin:

  • Mobile Development: .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) and Xamarin provide extensive support for ARM architectures, targeting Android and iOS devices which predominantly use ARM processors.

Using NuGet Packages

1. Architecture-Agnostic Packages:

  • Compatibility: Use NuGet packages that are agnostic to CPU architecture whenever possible. These packages are designed to work across different architectures without modification.
  • Example: Common libraries like Newtonsoft.Json, which work across ARM, x86, and Itanium.

2. Architecture-Specific Packages:

  • Performance: For performance-critical applications, use NuGet packages optimized for the target architecture.
  • Example: Graphics processing libraries optimized for x86 may need alternatives for ARM or Itanium.


For .NET developers, understanding the impact of ARM, x86, and Itanium architectures is essential for creating efficient, cross-platform applications. The differences in CPU architectures affect performance, compatibility, and optimization strategies. By leveraging cross-platform capabilities of .NET, using appropriate NuGet packages, and testing thoroughly on all target architectures, developers can ensure their applications run smoothly across ARM, x86, and Itanium devices.

How to delete all temporary files from (bin,obj,packages) your solution folder

How to delete all temporary files from (bin,obj,packages) your solution folder

Sometimes you want to send a zip with your visual studio solution or project, but after you archive your files you realize that the file size is huge, well worry no more you can use the following script (a .bat file) to clear all the temporary files in your visual studio solution

just save the following code in a ms-dos bat file, name the file ClearTeam.bat

rem start of the script
@echo off

for /d /r . %%d in (bin,obj,packages) do @if exist "%%d" rd /s/q "%%d"
FOR /R %%H IN (*.log) DO del "%%H"
FOR /r %%G IN (*.bak) DO del "%%G"
FOR /R %%J IN (*.suo) DO del "%%J"

IF EXIST .vs rd .vs /s/q
rem end of the script

to run it, just double click in the bat file or execute it but call the file name in console, in this case, ClearTeam.bat