Understanding Ethereum, Smart Contracts, and Blockchain Comparisons

Understanding Ethereum, Smart Contracts, and Blockchain Comparisons

Understanding Ethereum and Smart Contracts

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is akin to a global, decentralized computer that exists across thousands of individual computers worldwide. This “computer” executes programs known as smart contracts, which are automated contracts whose terms are written directly into code, allowing them to operate independently of intermediaries.

How Smart Contracts Work

Smart contracts streamline processes such as digital agreements and transactions. For example, in a leasing agreement, a smart contract can automate monthly rent payments from a tenant’s digital wallet to a landlord’s wallet, adhering to the terms with precision and reliability. This automation is set into motion through the following steps:

  • Creation: A developer writes the contract in a specific programming language.
  • Deployment: The contract is uploaded to the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Execution: It is then executed automatically by the EVM upon being triggered by transactions.

Comparing Blockchain Platforms

While Ethereum was the pioneer, other blockchains like Solana, Polygon, and TON (The Open Network) also support smart contracts, each offering unique benefits.


  • High Speed: Solana processes thousands of transactions per second, offering a significant speed advantage over Ethereum.
  • Low Costs: Its efficiency ensures that transaction fees are minimal, fostering cost-effective operations.
  • Scalability: The design allows scaling with hardware advancements, maintaining high-speed capabilities.


  • Ethereum Compatibility: Acts as a side-chain to Ethereum, facilitating faster and cheaper transactions.
  • Low Transaction Fees: By processing transactions off the main Ethereum chain, it reduces costs significantly.
  • Speed: Provides quicker transaction processing times, enhancing the user experience.

TON (The Open Network)

  • Speed and Efficiency: Designed for quick processing at low costs, suitable for high-load applications.
  • Versatility: Supports features like user-friendly wallet services and decentralized storage.
  • User-Friendliness: Focuses on accessibility, aiming to bring blockchain to the mainstream.

These platforms enhance user experience through faster transactions and reduced costs, support high transaction volumes, and offer security and reliability due to their decentralized nature. Each blockchain serves different use cases, allowing developers to choose based on their specific needs for efficiency and functionality.