Fake it until you make it: using custom HttpClientHandler to emulate a client server architecture

Fake it until you make it: using custom HttpClientHandler to emulate a client server architecture

Last week, I decided to create a playground for the SyncFramework to demonstrate how synchronization works. The sync framework itself is not designed in a client-server architecture, but as a set of APIs that you can use to synchronize data.

Synchronization scenarios usually involve a client-server architecture, but when I created the SyncFramework, I decided that network communication was something outside the scope and not directly related to data synchronization. So, instead of embedding the client-server concept in the SyncFramework, I decided to create a set of extensions to handle these scenarios. If you want to take a look at the network extensions, you can see them here.

Now, let’s return to the playground. The main requirement for me, besides showing how the synchronization process works, was not having to maintain an infrastructure for it. You know, a Sync Server and a few databases that I would have to constantly delete. So, I decided to use Blazor WebAssembly and SQLite databases running in the browser. If you want to know more about how SQLite databases can run in the browser, take a look at this article.

Now, there’s still a problem. How do I run a server on the browser? I know it’s somehow possible, but I did not have the time to do the research. So, I decided to create my own HttpClientHandler.

How the HttpClientHandler works

HttpClientHandler offers a number of attributes and methods for controlling HTTP requests and responses. It serves as the fundamental mechanism for HttpClient’s ability to send and receive HTTP requests and responses.

The HttpClientHandler manages aspects like the maximum number of redirects, redirection policies, handling cookies, and automated decompression of HTTP traffic. It can be set up and supplied to HttpClient to regulate the HTTP requests made by HttpClient.

HttpClientHandler might be helpful in testing situations when it’s necessary to imitate or mock HTTP requests and responses. The SendAsync method of HttpMessageHandler, from which HttpClientHandler also descended, can be overridden in a new class to deliver any response you require for your test.

here is a basic example

public class TestHandler : HttpMessageHandler
    protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // You can check the request details and return different responses based on that.
        // For simplicity, we're always returning the same response here.
        var responseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
            Content = new StringContent("Test response.")
        return await Task.FromResult(responseMessage);

And here’s how you’d use this handler in a test:

public async Task TestHttpClient()
    var handler = new TestHandler();
    var client = new HttpClient(handler);

    var response = await client.GetAsync("http://example.com");
    var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

    Assert.AreEqual("Test response.", responseContent);

The TestHandler in this illustration consistently sends back an HTTP 200 response with the body “Test response.” In a real test, you might use SendAsync with more sophisticated logic to return several responses depending on the specifics of the request. By doing so, you may properly test your code’s handling of different answers without actually sending HTTP queries.

Going back to our main story

Now that we know we can catch the HTTP request and handle it locally, we can write an HttpClientHandler that takes the request from the client nodes and processes them locally. Now, we have all the pieces to make the playground work without a real server. You can take a look at the implementation of the custom handler for the playground here

Until next time, happy coding )))))