The mystery of lost values: Understanding ASCII vs. UTF-8 in Database Queries

The mystery of lost values: Understanding ASCII vs. UTF-8 in Database Queries

Understanding ASCII vs. UTF-8 in Database Queries: A Practical Guide


When dealing with databases, understanding how different character encodings impact queries is crucial. Two common encoding standards are ASCII and UTF-8. This blog post delves into their differences, how they affect case-sensitive queries, and provides practical examples to illustrate these concepts.

ASCII vs. UTF-8: What’s the Difference?


ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)


  • Description: A character encoding standard using 7 bits to represent each character, allowing for 128 unique symbols. These include control characters (like newline), digits, uppercase and lowercase English letters, and some special symbols.
  • Range: 0 to 127.


UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format)


  • Description: A variable-width character encoding capable of encoding all 1,112,064 valid character code points in Unicode using one to four 8-bit bytes. UTF-8 is backward compatible with ASCII.
  • Range: Can represent characters in a much wider range, including all characters in all languages, as well as many symbols and special characters.


ASCII and UTF-8 Position Examples


Let’s compare the positions of some characters in both ASCII and UTF-8:

Character ASCII Position UTF-8 Position
A 65 65
B 66 66
Y 89 89
Z 90 90
[ 91 91
\ 92 92
] 93 93
^ 94 94
_ 95 95
` 96 96
a 97 97
b 98 98
y 121 121
z 122 122
Last ASCII (DEL) 127 127
ÿ Not present 195 191 (2 bytes)

Case Sensitivity in Database Queries


Case sensitivity can significantly impact database queries, as different encoding schemes represent characters differently.


ASCII Example


-- Case-sensitive query in ASCII-encoded database
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'Alice';
-- This will not return rows with 'alice', 'ALICE', etc.

UTF-8 Example


-- Case-sensitive query in UTF-8 encoded database
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'Ålice';
-- This will not return rows with 'ålice', 'ÅLICE', etc.

Practical Example with Positions


For ASCII, the characters included in the range >= 'A' and <= 'z' are:

  • A has a position of 65.
  • a has a position of 97.

In a case-sensitive search, these positions are distinct, so A is not equal to a.

For UTF-8, the characters included in this range are the same since UTF-8 is backward compatible with ASCII for characters in this range.


Query Example


Let’s demonstrate a query example for usernames within the range >= 'A' and <= 'z'.

-- Query for usernames in the range 'A' to 'z'
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username >= 'A' AND username <= 'z';

Included Characters


Based on the ASCII positions, the range >= 'A' and <= 'z' includes:

  • All uppercase letters: A to Z (positions 65 to 90)
  • Special characters: [, \, ], ^, _, and ` (positions 91 to 96)
  • All lowercase letters: a to z (positions 97 to 122)

Practical Example with Positions


Given the following table:

-- Create a table
    username VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin

-- Insert some users
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (1, 'Alice');   -- A = 65, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (2, 'alice');   -- a = 97, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (3, 'Ålice');   -- Å = 195 133, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (4, 'ålice');   -- å = 195 165, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (5, 'Z');       -- Z = 90
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (6, 'z');       -- z = 122
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (7, 'ÿ');       -- ÿ = 195 191
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (8, '_special');-- _ = 95, s = 115, p = 112, e = 101, c = 99, i = 105, a = 97, l = 108
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (9, 'example'); -- e = 101, x = 120, a = 97, m = 109, p = 112, l = 108, e = 101

Query Execution


-- Execute the query
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username >= 'A' AND username <= 'z';

Query Result


This query will include the following usernames based on the range:

  • Alice (A = 65, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101)
  • Z (Z = 90)
  • example (e = 101, x = 120, a = 97, m = 109, p = 112, l = 108, e = 101)
  • _special (_ = 95, s = 115, p = 112, e = 101, c = 99, i = 105, a = 97, l = 108)
  • alice (a = 97, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101)
  • z (z = 122)

However, it will not include:

  • Ålice (Å = 195 133, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101, outside the specified range)
  • ålice (å = 195 165, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101, outside the specified range)
  • ÿ (ÿ = 195 191, outside the specified range)



Understanding the differences between ASCII and UTF-8 character positions and ranges is crucial when performing case-sensitive queries in databases. For example, querying for usernames within the range >= 'A' and <= 'z' will include a specific set of characters based on their ASCII positions, impacting which rows are returned in your query results.

By grasping these concepts, you can ensure your database queries are accurate and efficient, especially when dealing with different encoding schemes.

Semantic Kernel Connectors and Plugins

Semantic Kernel Connectors and Plugins

Welcome to the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI)! You’ve probably heard about AI’s incredible potential to transform our lives, from smart assistants in our homes to self-driving cars. But have you ever wondered how all these intelligent systems communicate and work together? That’s where something called “Semantic Kernel Connectors” comes in.

Imagine you’re organizing a big family reunion. To make it a success, you need to coordinate with various family members, each handling different tasks. Similarly, in the world of AI, different parts need to communicate and work in harmony. Semantic Kernel Connectors are like the family members who help pass messages and coordinate tasks to ensure everything runs smoothly.

These connectors are a part of a larger system known as the Semantic Kernel framework. They act as messengers, allowing different AI models and external systems, like databases, to talk to each other. This communication is crucial because it lets AI systems perform complex tasks, such as sending emails or updating records, just like a helpful assistant.

For developers, these connectors are a dream come true. They make it easier to create AI applications that can understand and respond to us just like a human would. With these tools, developers can build more sophisticated AI agents that can automate tasks and even learn from their interactions, here is a list of what you get out of the box.

Core Plugins Overview

  • ConversationSummaryPlugin: Summarizes conversations to provide quick insights.
  • FileIOPlugin: Reads and writes to the filesystem, essential for managing data.
  • HttpPlugin: Calls APIs, which allows the AI to interact with web services.
  • MathPlugin: Performs mathematical operations, handy for calculations.
  • TextMemoryPlugin: Stores and retrieves text in memory, useful for recalling information.
  • TextPlugin: Manipulates text strings deterministically, great for text processing.
  • TimePlugin: Acquires time of day and other temporal information, perfect for time-related tasks.
  • WaitPlugin: Pauses execution for a specified amount of time, useful for scheduling.

So, next time you ask your smart device to play your favorite song or remind you of an appointment, remember that there’s a whole network of AI components working together behind the scenes, thanks to Semantic Kernel Connectors. They’re the unsung heroes making our daily interactions with AI seamless and intuitive.

Isn’t it amazing how far technology has come? And the best part is, we’re just getting started. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more incredible advancements that will make our lives easier and more connected. So, let’s embrace this journey into the future, hand in hand with AI.