Choosing the Right JSON Serializer for SyncFramework

Choosing the Right JSON Serializer for SyncFramework: DataContractJsonSerializer vs Newtonsoft.Json vs System.Text.Json

When building robust and efficient synchronization solutions with SyncFramework, selecting the appropriate JSON serializer is crucial. Serialization directly impacts performance, data integrity, and compatibility, making it essential to understand the differences between the available options: DataContractJsonSerializer, Newtonsoft.Json, and System.Text.Json. This post will guide you through the decision-making process, highlighting key considerations and the implications of using each serializer within the SyncFramework context.

Understanding SyncFramework and Serialization

SyncFramework is designed to synchronize data across various data stores, devices, and applications. Efficient serialization ensures that data is accurately and quickly transmitted between these components. The choice of serializer affects not only performance but also the complexity of the implementation and maintenance of your synchronization logic.


DataContractJsonSerializer is tightly coupled with the DataContract and DataMember attributes, making it a reliable choice for scenarios that require explicit control over serialization:

  • Strict Type Adherence: By enforcing strict adherence to data contracts, DataContractJsonSerializer ensures that serialized data conforms to predefined types. This is particularly important in SyncFramework when dealing with complex and strongly-typed data models.
  • Data Integrity: The explicit nature of DataContract and DataMember attributes guarantees that only the intended data members are serialized, reducing the risk of data inconsistencies during synchronization.
  • Compatibility with WCF: If SyncFramework is used in conjunction with WCF services, DataContractJsonSerializer provides seamless integration, ensuring consistent serialization across services.

When to Use: Opt for DataContractJsonSerializer when working with strongly-typed data models and when strict type fidelity is essential for your synchronization logic.

Newtonsoft.Json (Json.NET)

Newtonsoft.Json is known for its flexibility and ease of use, making it a popular choice for many .NET applications:

  • Ease of Integration: Newtonsoft.Json requires no special attributes on classes, allowing for quick integration with existing codebases. This flexibility can significantly speed up development within SyncFramework.
  • Advanced Customization: It offers extensive customization options through attributes like JsonProperty and JsonIgnore, and supports complex scenarios with custom converters. This makes it easier to handle diverse data structures and serialization requirements.
  • Wide Adoption: As a widely-used library, Newtonsoft.Json benefits from a large community and comprehensive documentation, providing valuable resources during implementation.

When to Use: Choose Newtonsoft.Json for its flexibility and ease of use, especially when working with existing codebases or when advanced customization of the serialization process is required.


System.Text.Json is a high-performance JSON serializer introduced in .NET Core 3.0 and .NET 5, providing a modern and efficient alternative:

  • High Performance: System.Text.Json is optimized for performance, making it suitable for high-throughput synchronization scenarios in SyncFramework. Its minimal overhead and efficient memory usage can significantly improve synchronization speed.
  • Integration with ASP.NET Core: As the default JSON serializer for ASP.NET Core, System.Text.Json offers seamless integration with modern .NET applications, ensuring consistency and reducing setup time.
  • Attribute-Based Customization: While offering fewer customization options compared to Newtonsoft.Json, it still supports essential attributes like JsonPropertyName and JsonIgnore, providing a balance between performance and configurability.

When to Use: System.Text.Json is ideal for new applications targeting .NET Core or .NET 5+, where performance is a critical concern and advanced customization is not a primary requirement.

Handling DataContract Requirements

In SyncFramework, certain types may require specific serialization behaviors dictated by DataContract notations. When using Newtonsoft.Json or System.Text.Json, additional steps are necessary to accommodate these requirements:

  • Newtonsoft.Json: Use attributes such as JsonProperty to map JSON properties to DataContract members. Custom converters may be needed for complex serialization scenarios.
  • System.Text.Json: Employ JsonPropertyName and custom converters to align with DataContract requirements. While less flexible than Newtonsoft.Json, it can still handle most common scenarios with appropriate configuration.


Choosing the right JSON serializer for SyncFramework depends on the specific needs of your synchronization logic. DataContractJsonSerializer is suited for scenarios demanding strict type fidelity and integration with WCF services. Newtonsoft.Json offers unparalleled flexibility and ease of integration, making it ideal for diverse and complex data structures. System.Text.Json provides a high-performance, modern alternative for new .NET applications, balancing performance with essential customization.

By understanding the strengths and limitations of each serializer, you can make an informed decision that ensures efficient, reliable, and maintainable synchronization in your SyncFramework implementation.

Implementing database synchronization with entity framework core

Implementing database synchronization with entity framework core

Ok, so far, our synchronization framework is only implemented for an in-memory database that we use for testing purposes.

Now let’s implement a different use case, lets add synchronization functionality to an entity framework core DbContext.

As I explained before, the key part of synchronizing data using delta encoding is to be able to track the differences that happen to a data object, in this case, a relational database.

these are the task that we need to do to accomplish our goal

  1. Find out how entity framework converts the changes that happen to the objects to SQL commands
  2. Decide what information we need to track and save as a delta
  3. Create the infrastructure to save deltas (IDeltaStore)
  4. Create the infrastructure to process deltas (IDeltaProcessor)
  5. Implement the synchronization node functionality in an Entity Framework DbContext(ISyncClientNode)
  6. Create a test scenario


1 Find out how entity framework converts the changes that happen to the objects to SQL commands

In our companies (BitFrameworks & Xari) we have been working in data synchronization for a while, but all this work has been done in the XPO realm.

We know that in most ORMs frameworks there is a layer of the ORM that is in charge of translating the changes made to objects into SQL commands, the trick is to locate this layer. So while I was trapped in Mexico waiting for a flight back to Phoenix, I decided to dig into entity framework’s core GitHub report, this is what I found

public virtual async Task<int> ExecuteAsync(
           IEnumerable<ModificationCommandBatch> commandBatches,
           IRelationalConnection connection,
           CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

As you can see one of the parameters is an IEnumerable of ModificationCommandBatch this command batch exposes a read-only list of modification commands (ModificationCommand)

public abstract class ModificationCommandBatch
    /// <summary>
    ///     The list of conceptual insert/update/delete <see cref="ModificationCommands" />s in the batch.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyModificationCommand> ModificationCommands { get; }

now let’s take look into the ModificationCommand this class provides all the information about the changes that will be converted into SQL commands, which means that if we serialize this object and save it as a delta we can then send it to another node and replicate the changes…VOILA!!!

Now here is a stone in our path, the class is not serializable or to say it in a better way NOT easily serializable, so let’s stop here for a moment and move to a different task

So now we know where the changes that we need to keep track of are, now let’s try to understand how those changes are converted into SQL commands and then executed into the database.

2 Decide what information we need to track and save as a delta

Entity framework core uses dependency injection to be able to handle different database engines so the idea here is that there are a lot of small services that can be replaced in other to create a different implementation, for example, SQLite, SqlServer, Postgres, etc …

After a lot of digging, I found that the service that is in charge of generating the update commands (insert, update and delete) UpdateSqlGenerator

this class implements IUpdateSqlGenerator and as you can see all methods receive a string builder and a ModificationCommand so this is the service  in charge of translating the ModificationCommand into SQL commands and SQL commands are easy to serialize because they are just text, so this is what we are going to serialize and save as a delta

    public interface IUpdateSqlGenerator
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates SQL that will obtain the next value in the given sequence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the sequence.</param>
        /// <param name="schema">The schema that contains the sequence, or <see langword="null" /> to use the default schema.</param>
        /// <returns>The SQL.</returns>
        string GenerateNextSequenceValueOperation(string name, string? schema);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates a SQL fragment that will get the next value from the given sequence and appends it to
        ///     the full command being built by the given <see cref="StringBuilder" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandStringBuilder">The builder to which the SQL fragment should be appended.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the sequence.</param>
        /// <param name="schema">The schema that contains the sequence, or <see langword="null" /> to use the default schema.</param>
        void AppendNextSequenceValueOperation(
            StringBuilder commandStringBuilder,
            string name,
            string? schema);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Appends a SQL fragment for the start of a batch to
        ///     the full command being built by the given <see cref="StringBuilder" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandStringBuilder">The builder to which the SQL fragment should be appended.</param>
        void AppendBatchHeader(StringBuilder commandStringBuilder);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Appends a SQL command for deleting a row to the commands being built.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandStringBuilder">The builder to which the SQL should be appended.</param>
        /// <param name="command">The command that represents the delete operation.</param>
        /// <param name="commandPosition">The ordinal of this command in the batch.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ResultSetMapping" /> for the command.</returns>
        ResultSetMapping AppendDeleteOperation(
            StringBuilder commandStringBuilder,
            IReadOnlyModificationCommand command,
            int commandPosition);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Appends a SQL command for inserting a row to the commands being built.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandStringBuilder">The builder to which the SQL should be appended.</param>
        /// <param name="command">The command that represents the delete operation.</param>
        /// <param name="commandPosition">The ordinal of this command in the batch.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ResultSetMapping" /> for the command.</returns>
        ResultSetMapping AppendInsertOperation(
            StringBuilder commandStringBuilder,
            IReadOnlyModificationCommand command,
            int commandPosition);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Appends a SQL command for updating a row to the commands being built.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandStringBuilder">The builder to which the SQL should be appended.</param>
        /// <param name="command">The command that represents the delete operation.</param>
        /// <param name="commandPosition">The ordinal of this command in the batch.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ResultSetMapping" /> for the command.</returns>
        ResultSetMapping AppendUpdateOperation(
            StringBuilder commandStringBuilder,
            IReadOnlyModificationCommand command,
            int commandPosition);

3 Create the infrastructure to save deltas (Implementing IDeltaStore)

Now is time to create a delta store, this is an easy one since we only need to inherit from our delta store base and save the information in an entity framework DbContext, so here is the implementation

if you want to compare it with other delta store implementations you can take a look at the in-memory version here

4 Create the infrastructure to process deltas (implementing IDeltaProcessor)

So far, we know what we need to store in the deltas which basically is SQL commands and their parameters so it means to process those SQL Commands our delta processor needs to create a database connection and execute SQL commands

public EFDeltaProcessor(DbContext dBContext) 
    _dBContext = dBContext;
public EFDeltaProcessor(string connectionstring, string DbEngineAlias, string ProviderInvariantName)

    this.CurrentDbEngine = DbEngineAlias;
    this.connectionString = connectionstring;

        factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(ProviderInvariantName);
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw new Exception("There was a problem creating the database connection using DbProviderFactories.GetFactory. Please your make sure the DbProviderFactory for your database is registered", ex);
    //TODO check provider registration later

    //DbProviderFactories.RegisterFactory("Microsoft.Data.SqlClient", SqlClientFactory.Instance);

there are a few things to notice in that class, first, it has 2 constructors because we need 2 different ways to create the connection to the database, one using the entity framework DbContext and one using ADO.NET DbProviderFactory

All the magic happens in the ProcessDeltas method, this method is in charge of, extract the content of the deltas and transforming them into SQL commands and parameters, and then executing the command.

please notice that the content of each delta is an instance of ModificationCommandData

which is a class that allows us to store multiple SQL commands (for different database engines) and their parameters

5 Implement the synchronization node functionality in an Entity Framework DbContext(ISyncClientNode)

At the moment we are able to produce and process deltas for entity framework relational, so the next step is to implement the functionality of synchronization client node by implementing the following interface

namespace BIT.Data.Sync.Client
    public interface ISyncClientNode
        IDeltaProcessor DeltaProcessor { get; }
        IDeltaStore DeltaStore { get; }
        ISyncFrameworkClient SyncFrameworkClient { get; }
        string Identity { get;  }


The server-side

I’m not going to show the implementation of the server since that implementation is generic and uses the same delta store and delta processor that we created at the beginning of this article. for more information check the following links

Adding network support

Testing network support


The next post its going to be a video testing a simple synchronization scenario, see you in the next post!!!