The mystery of lost values: Understanding ASCII vs. UTF-8 in Database Queries

The mystery of lost values: Understanding ASCII vs. UTF-8 in Database Queries

Understanding ASCII vs. UTF-8 in Database Queries: A Practical Guide


When dealing with databases, understanding how different character encodings impact queries is crucial. Two common encoding standards are ASCII and UTF-8. This blog post delves into their differences, how they affect case-sensitive queries, and provides practical examples to illustrate these concepts.

ASCII vs. UTF-8: What’s the Difference?


ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)


  • Description: A character encoding standard using 7 bits to represent each character, allowing for 128 unique symbols. These include control characters (like newline), digits, uppercase and lowercase English letters, and some special symbols.
  • Range: 0 to 127.


UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format)


  • Description: A variable-width character encoding capable of encoding all 1,112,064 valid character code points in Unicode using one to four 8-bit bytes. UTF-8 is backward compatible with ASCII.
  • Range: Can represent characters in a much wider range, including all characters in all languages, as well as many symbols and special characters.


ASCII and UTF-8 Position Examples


Let’s compare the positions of some characters in both ASCII and UTF-8:

Character ASCII Position UTF-8 Position
A 65 65
B 66 66
Y 89 89
Z 90 90
[ 91 91
\ 92 92
] 93 93
^ 94 94
_ 95 95
` 96 96
a 97 97
b 98 98
y 121 121
z 122 122
Last ASCII (DEL) 127 127
ÿ Not present 195 191 (2 bytes)

Case Sensitivity in Database Queries


Case sensitivity can significantly impact database queries, as different encoding schemes represent characters differently.


ASCII Example


-- Case-sensitive query in ASCII-encoded database
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'Alice';
-- This will not return rows with 'alice', 'ALICE', etc.

UTF-8 Example


-- Case-sensitive query in UTF-8 encoded database
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'Ålice';
-- This will not return rows with 'ålice', 'ÅLICE', etc.

Practical Example with Positions


For ASCII, the characters included in the range >= 'A' and <= 'z' are:

  • A has a position of 65.
  • a has a position of 97.

In a case-sensitive search, these positions are distinct, so A is not equal to a.

For UTF-8, the characters included in this range are the same since UTF-8 is backward compatible with ASCII for characters in this range.


Query Example


Let’s demonstrate a query example for usernames within the range >= 'A' and <= 'z'.

-- Query for usernames in the range 'A' to 'z'
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username >= 'A' AND username <= 'z';

Included Characters


Based on the ASCII positions, the range >= 'A' and <= 'z' includes:

  • All uppercase letters: A to Z (positions 65 to 90)
  • Special characters: [, \, ], ^, _, and ` (positions 91 to 96)
  • All lowercase letters: a to z (positions 97 to 122)

Practical Example with Positions


Given the following table:

-- Create a table
    username VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin

-- Insert some users
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (1, 'Alice');   -- A = 65, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (2, 'alice');   -- a = 97, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (3, 'Ålice');   -- Å = 195 133, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (4, 'ålice');   -- å = 195 165, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (5, 'Z');       -- Z = 90
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (6, 'z');       -- z = 122
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (7, 'ÿ');       -- ÿ = 195 191
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (8, '_special');-- _ = 95, s = 115, p = 112, e = 101, c = 99, i = 105, a = 97, l = 108
INSERT INTO users (id, username) VALUES (9, 'example'); -- e = 101, x = 120, a = 97, m = 109, p = 112, l = 108, e = 101

Query Execution


-- Execute the query
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username >= 'A' AND username <= 'z';

Query Result


This query will include the following usernames based on the range:

  • Alice (A = 65, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101)
  • Z (Z = 90)
  • example (e = 101, x = 120, a = 97, m = 109, p = 112, l = 108, e = 101)
  • _special (_ = 95, s = 115, p = 112, e = 101, c = 99, i = 105, a = 97, l = 108)
  • alice (a = 97, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101)
  • z (z = 122)

However, it will not include:

  • Ålice (Å = 195 133, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101, outside the specified range)
  • ålice (å = 195 165, l = 108, i = 105, c = 99, e = 101, outside the specified range)
  • ÿ (ÿ = 195 191, outside the specified range)



Understanding the differences between ASCII and UTF-8 character positions and ranges is crucial when performing case-sensitive queries in databases. For example, querying for usernames within the range >= 'A' and <= 'z' will include a specific set of characters based on their ASCII positions, impacting which rows are returned in your query results.

By grasping these concepts, you can ensure your database queries are accurate and efficient, especially when dealing with different encoding schemes.




In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, LangChain has emerged as a pivotal framework for harnessing the capabilities of large language models like GPT-3. This article delves into what LangChain is, its historical development, its applications, and concludes with its potential future impact.

What is LangChain?

LangChain is a software framework designed to facilitate the integration and application of advanced language models in various computational tasks. Developed by Shawn Presser, it stands as a testament to the growing need for accessible and versatile tools in the realm of AI and natural language processing (NLP). LangChain’s primary aim is to provide a modular and scalable environment where developers can easily implement and customize language models for a wide range of applications.

Historical Development

The Advent of Large Language Models

The genesis of LangChain is closely linked to the emergence of large language models. With the introduction of models like GPT-3 by OpenAI, the AI community witnessed a significant leap in the ability of machines to understand and generate human-like text.

Shawn Presser and LangChain

Recognizing the potential of these models, Shawn Presser embarked on developing a framework that would simplify their integration into practical applications. His vision led to the creation of LangChain, which he open-sourced to encourage community-driven development and innovation.


LangChain has found a wide array of applications, thanks to its versatile nature:

  • Customer Service: By powering chatbots with nuanced and context-aware responses, LangChain enhances customer interaction and satisfaction.
  • Content Creation: The framework assists in generating diverse forms of written content, from articles to scripts, offering tools for creativity and efficiency.
  • Data Analysis: LangChain can analyze large volumes of text, providing insights and summaries, which are invaluable in research and business intelligence.


The story of LangChain is not just about a software framework; it’s about the democratization of AI technology. By making powerful language models more accessible and easier to integrate, LangChain is paving the way for a future where AI can be more effectively harnessed across various sectors. Its continued development and the growing community around it suggest a future rich with innovative applications, making LangChain a key player in the unfolding narrative of AI’s role in our world.


Understanding Machine Learning Models

Understanding Machine Learning Models

Understanding Machine Learning Models

1. What Are Models?

Definition: A machine learning model is an algorithm that takes input data and produces output, making predictions or decisions based on that data. It learns patterns and relationships within the data during training.

Types of Models: Common types include linear regression, decision trees, neural networks, and support vector machines, each with its own learning method and prediction approach.

2. How Are They Different?

Based on Learning Style:

  • Supervised Learning: Models trained on labeled data for tasks like classification and regression.
  • Unsupervised Learning: Models that find structure in unlabeled data, used in clustering and association.
  • Reinforcement Learning: Models that learn through trial and error, rewarded for successful outcomes.

Based on Task:

  • Classification: Categorizing data into predefined classes.
  • Regression: Predicting continuous values.
  • Clustering: Grouping data based on similarities.

Complexity and Structure: Models range from simple and interpretable (like linear regression) to complex “black boxes” (like deep neural networks).

3. How Do I Use Them?

Selecting a Model: Choose based on your data, problem, and required prediction type. Consider data size and feature complexity.

Training the Model: Use a dataset to let the model learn. Training methods vary by model type.

Evaluating the Model: Assess performance using appropriate metrics. Adjust model parameters to improve results.

Deployment: Deploy the trained model in real-world environments for prediction or decision-making.

Practical Usage

  • Tools and Libraries: Utilize libraries like scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch for pre-built models and training functions.
  • Data Preprocessing: Prepare your data through cleaning, normalization, and splitting.
  • Experimentation and Iteration: Experiment with different models and configurations to find the best solution.