Comparing OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot mobile apps

Comparing OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot mobile apps

OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot are two powerful AI tools that have revolutionized the way we interact with technology. While both are designed to assist users in various tasks, they each have unique features that set them apart.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a large language model chatbot capable of communicating with users in a human-like way¹⁷. It can answer questions, create recipes, write code, and offer advice¹⁷. It uses a powerful generative AI model and has access to several tools which it can use to complete tasks²⁶.

Key Features of ChatGPT

  • Chat with Images: You can show ChatGPT images and start a chat.
  • Image Generation: Create images simply by describing them in ChatGPT.
  • Voice Chat: You can now use voice to engage in a back-and-forth conversation with ChatGPT.
  • Web Browsing: Gives ChatGPT the ability to search the internet for additional information.
  • Advanced Data Analysis: Interact with data documents (Excel, CSV, JSON).

Microsoft’s Copilot

Microsoft’s Copilot is an AI companion that works everywhere you do and intelligently adapts to your needs. It can chat with text, voice, and image capabilities, summarize documents and web pages, create images, and use plugins and Copilot GPTs

Key Features of Copilot

  • Chat with Text, Voice, and Image Capabilities: Copilot includes chat with text, voice, and image capabilities/
  • Summarization of Documents and Web Pages: It can summarize documents and web pages.
  • Image Creation: Copilot can create images.
  • Web Grounding: It can ground information from the web.
  • Use of Plugins and Copilot GPTs: Copilot can use plugins and Copilot GPTs.

Comparison of Mobile App Features

Feature OpenAI’s ChatGPT Microsoft’s Copilot
Chat with Text Yes Yes
Voice Input Yes Yes
Image Capabilities Yes Yes
Summarization No Yes
Image Creation Yes Yes
Web Grounding No Yes

What makes the difference, the action button for the iPhone

The action button on iPhones, available on the iPhone 15 Pro and later models, is a customizable button for quick tasks. By default, it opens the camera or activates the flashlight. However, users can customize it to perform various actions, including launching a specific app. When set to launch an app, pressing the action button will instantly open the chosen app, such as the ChatGPT voice interface. This integration is further enhanced by the new ChatGPT-4.0 capabilities, which offer more accurate responses, better understanding of context, and faster processing times. This makes voice interactions with ChatGPT smoother and more efficient, allowing users to quickly and effectively communicate with the AI.





The ChatGPT voice interface is one of my favorite features, but there’s one thing missing for it to be perfect. Currently, you can’t send pictures or videos during a voice conversation. The workaround is to leave the voice interface, open the chat interface, find the voice conversation in the chat list, and upload the picture there. However, this brings another problem: you can’t return to the voice interface and continue the previous voice conversation.

Microsoft Copilot, if you are reading this, when will you add a voice interface? And when you finally do it, don’t forget to add the picture and video feature I want. That is all for my wishlist.


Good News for Copilot Users: Generative AI for All!

Good News for Copilot Users: Generative AI for All!

Good News for Copilot Users: Generative AI for All!

Exciting developments are underway for users of Microsoft Copilot, as the tool expands its reach and functionality, promising a transformative impact on both professional and personal spheres. Let’s dive into the heart of these latest updates and what they mean for you.

Copilot’s Expanding Horizon

Originally embraced by industry giants like Visa, BP, Honda, and Pfizer, and with support from partners including Accenture, KPMG, and PwC, Microsoft Copilot has already been making waves in the business world. Notably, an impressive 40% of Fortune 100 companies participated in the Copilot Early Access Program, indicating its wide acceptance and potential.

Copilot Pro: A Game Changer for Individuals

The big news is the launch of Copilot Pro, specifically designed for individual users. This is a significant step in democratizing the power of generative AI, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Three Major Enhancements for Organizations

  1. Copilot for Microsoft 365 Now Widely Available: Small and medium-sized businesses, ranging from solo entrepreneurs to fast-growing startups with up to 300 people, can now leverage the full power of Copilot as it becomes generally available for Microsoft 365.
  2. No More Seat Limits: The previous requirement of a 300-seat minimum purchase for Copilot’s commercial plans has been lifted, offering greater flexibility and scalability for businesses.
  3. Expanded Eligibility: In a strategic move, Microsoft has removed the necessity for a Microsoft 365 subscription to use Copilot. Now, Office 365 E3 and E5 customers are also eligible, widening the potential user base.

A Future Fueled by AI

This expansion marks a new chapter for Copilot, now available to a vast range of users, from individuals to large enterprises. The anticipation is high to see the innovative ways in which these diverse groups will utilize Copilot.

Stay Updated

For more in-depth information and to stay abreast of the latest developments in this exciting journey of Microsoft Copilot, be sure to check out Yusuf Mehdi’s blog. You can find the link in the comments below.

Link to Yusuf Mehdi’s blog